What is Yoga?

What is Yoga?

What is Yoga?

When we think about Yoga, we immediately think of the super flexible woman in her very tight Yoga pants contorting to within an inch of her life, smiling serenely and annoyingly, right?

*Cue eye roll* 🙄

Since the physical part of Yoga has become so unbelievably popular in the West without the Eastern philosophy taught with it, it’s quite a surprise to realise that there is so much more to Yoga than just stretching. Instagram and other social media platforms have made Yoga out to be a competition between people to perfect the most complicated and difficult poses or to show a yoga practitioners perfectly formed “yoga bum” in a Warrior pose. The majority of people out there think that Yoga is purely physical and is what you do on the mat. People say they’re “going to Yoga” to learn how to make the shapes and postures look as good as possible. Yoga in the west has come to be known as the physical practice. The asana practice. When, in actual fact, Yoga is so much more than just the physical practice. It is an entire philosophy and way of life.

Yoga is a many-layered and intricate set of practices set out thousands of years ago to lead a human being, step-by-step, to live life consciously, compassionately and with full intention. You can’t “go to Yoga” but you can learn the many different practices of Yoga and incorporate them into your life. Although these teachings are ancient, the wisdom and lessons are completely applicable, and necessary, to this day and age.